SEE THROUGH TOUCH / exhibition
- PlaceSala Wystaw
- Hour g. 16 - 18
Date from 5.03.2019
to 9.03.2019 - Price 2
See Through Touch is an exhibition of works created by Michał Wielgosz, student of the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology and contributor in the Niewidzialni Niewidomi project, and Martyna Nagraba. There will also be three works by Jerzy Łuczak, who made a number of convex pieces in the course of the project entitled Senses of Culture, carried out as part of the competition Centrum Warte Poznania. The show promises quite a novel experience, as it may be ‘viewed’ both using one’s eyes and fingertips.
For the past three years, the team of
Niewidzialni Niewidomi have been educating others about the issues that persons
with varied degrees of visual impairment have to confront. This is indeed a
unique opportunity to experience something new and find out how one lives with
impaired vision, especially in terms of participation in culture.
The exhibition is combined with
activities through which we will attempt to reflect on visual disability. Among
other things, we will be introduced to the Lorm manual alphabet and discuss
audio description – more details to follow soon.
Whether you are young or old, visually impaired or not, do come. If you are
curious of the world, this is just the right place to be!