"Socially inclusive ecological education for sustainable development of art culture"
"Socially inclusive ecological education for sustainable development of art culture" is an educational initiative addressed to cultural personnel. It is implemented by a consortium comprising the Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle (leader), the ZAMEK Culture Centre in Poznań (partner) and the Other Space Foundation (partner). As part of the initiative, employees of the three organisations mentioned above and persons cooperating with the consortium have a chance to improve their competences in the field of environmental education and sustainable development through training and observation of work (job shadowing) in expert institutions abroad. Thanks to the knowledge and skills acquired during the mobility, they will be able to apply pro-environmental solutions in their workplaces and distribute the knowledge among other colleagues and co-workers.
In the framework of the project we have established cooperation with 4 host institutions/organizations:
Asociacion Educativa EDUPLUS (Spain, Bajamar; Tenerife) - https://edu-plus.es/
Finnish Museums Association (Finland, Helsinki) https://www.museoliitto.fi/en.php?k=9064
City Mine(d) (Belgium, Brussels) - http://beta.citymined.org/
Climate Museum (United Kingdom, London) https://climatemuseumuk.org/
If you have any questions please contact the project manager: Anna Czaban, a.czaban@u-jazdowski.pl
This project has been funded with support from the European Funds. Knowledge, Education, Development.